Александар Вуковић | |
Доцент | |
Универзитет у Приштини | |
Пољопривредни факултет | |
Пољопривредна техника | |
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Избор у звање
2013. | |
Пољопривредни факултет Универзитета у Приштини | |
Пољопривредна техника |
2014 | |
Пољопривредни факултет Универзитета у Приштини | |
Пољопривредна техника |
2009. | |
Пољопривредни факултет Универзитета у Приштини | |
Пољопривредна техника |
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1992. | |
Пољопривредни факултет Приштина | |
Сточарство |
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Одабране референце
Vuković,A., Barać,S., Bojana Milenković, Aksić,M., Gudžić,N. (2015): Losses in alfalfa mowing process performed by oscillatory and rotary mower. Research people andactual tasks on multidisciplinary sciences, Vol. 1, page 130-135, Lozenec, Bulgaria. ISSN 1313-7735.
Vuković Aleksandar, Barać Saša, Bojana Milenković, Beković Dragoljub, Đikić Aleksandar (2015): Fuel consumption and productive effectiveness of the alfalfa mowing by the oscillatory and rotary mowers, The Second International Symposium on Agricultural Engineering, Section II, p.1-7, October 9-10, Belgrade-Serbia. ISBN: 978-86-7834-231-8 Vuković A., Barać S., Petrović D., Radojević R., Milenković B. (2016): Comparison of different types of mowers in alfalfa cutting, International Symposium on Animal Science, Section 2, p. 288-295, 24-25 November, Belgrade – Zemun, Serbia. ISBN 978-86-7834-261-5. Barać S, Vuković A., Petrović D., Radojević R., Biberdžić M. (2016): Test results of exploitational examinations of tractor mowers during alfalfa mowing in the conditions of central Serbia. Proceedings of the “The International Symposium on Animal Science 2016” (ISAS). page 282-287, Belgrade 2016. ISBN 978-86-7834-261-5. https://livestocksym.wixsite.com/isas2016 Barać S., Petrović D., Vuković A., Biberdžić M., Đikić A., Đokić D. (2017): Results of the examination of field crop sprayers in the conditions of central Serbia. Contemporary Agricultural Engineering . Vol. 43(1): 17-26. ISSN 0350-2953. scindeks.ceon.rs/journalDetails.aspx?issn=0350-2953 Barać S., Biberdžić M., Petrović D., Đikić A., Vuković A., Radojević R., Milenković B. (2018): Quality of work of rotaty cutting mowers with oscillator-permitted repair apparatus in cutting the livestock peas. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Animal Science 2018 (ISAS), pp. 252-257, 22nd-23rd November 2018, Belgrade, 2018. . https://livestocksym.wixsite.com/isas2018 Vera B. Cerović, Dragan V. Petrović , Rade L. Radojević, Saša R. Barać , Aleksandar Vuković (2018) : On the fertilizer particle motion along the vane of a centrifugal spreader disc assuming pure sliding of the particle. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Vol. 63(1):83-97. eISSN 2406-0968, ISSN 1450-8109.https://doi.org/10.2298/JAS1801083. http://joas.agrif.bg.ac.rs/ Saša Barać , Milan Biberdžić, Dragan Petrović, Jelena Stojiljković, Aleksandar Đikić, Rade Radojević, Aleksandar Vuković (2018): The effect of movement of tractors and mobile systems on soil compaction and the yield of various maize hybrids in the conditions of southern Serbia. Book of Proceedings , IX International Scientific Agriculture Symposium “Agrosym 2018”, Jahorina, Bosnia and Herzegovina, pp.402-407, October 04 – 07, Jahorina 2018. ISBN 978-99976-718-8-2. http://agrosym.ues.rs.ba/index.php/sr/ Stanısavljevıć Rade, Vukovıć Aleksandar, Barać Saša, Radojevıć Rade, Đokıć,Dragoslav, Petrovıć Dragan (2019): Influence of Harvesting on Quality of Alfalfa Forage used for Haylage and Hay. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 25 (3):384-390. https://doi.org/10.15832/ankutbd.43439 Saša BARAĆ, Milan BIBERDŽIĆ, Dragan PETROVIĆ, Aleksandar ĐIKIĆ, Rade RADOJEVIĆ, Aleksandar VUKOVIĆ, Dragoslav ĐOKIĆ (2019): Results of Testing the Sowing Aggregates For Planting the Narrow-Row Crops With Conventional and Reduced Tilage. Book of Proceedings, X International Scientific Agriculture Symposium “Agrosym 2019”, Jahorina, Bosnia and Herzegovina, pp. 102-107, October 03–06, Jahorina 2019. ISBN 978-99976-787-2-0. http://agrosym.ues.rs.ba/index.php/sr S. Barac, M. Biberdzic, D. Petrovic, A. Vukovic, A. Djikic, R. Radojevic, B. Milenkovic (2019): Results of examination of the impact of agricultural machinery on soil compaction and the yield of sunflower hybrids. Proceedings of the Sixt International Conference ''Research People and Actual Tasks On Multidisciplinary Sciences''. Bulgarian National Multidisciplinary Scientific Network of the Professional Society for Research work. Volume 1, Page 284-289, Lozenec, Bulgaria,12-15 June. ISSN 1313-7735. www.conf.bionetsyst.com Радојевић, Л.Р., Петровић, В.Д., Милеуснић, И.З., Бараћ, С., Вуковић, А., Чанак, С. (2019): Тракасти транспортер за полумеханизовано убирање поврћа, Техничко решење. Petrović V. Dragan, Vuković Aleksandar, Radojević L. Rade, Barać Saša, Mileusnić I. Zoran, Cerović B. Vera,Milenković Bojana (2019): ON THE LOOSSES OF ALFALFA DURING HAY PREPARATION. 4th International Symposium on Animal Science (ISAE), Section I, page 91-97, 31 October - 2 November 2019, Belgrade, Serbia. Radojević L. Rade, Barać R. Saša, Petrović V. Dragan, Vuković D. Aleksandar, Biberdžić O. Milan, Kurt W. Tomantschger, Đikić B. Aleksandar (2019): THE INFLUENCE OF THE MOTION MECHANISM OF TRACTOR AND MOBILE SYSTEMS ON SOIL COMPACTION. 4th International Symposium on Animal Science (ISAE), Section II, page 1-9, 31 October - 2 November 2019, Belgrade, Serbia. |
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